When was the last time YOU sat down to examine your life to see what you are creating and what you TRULY desire to CONSCIOUSLY create?

As a human being, you are always creating the life you live each and every moment by the choices you are making and how you are showing up in the world. The question is are you consciously crafting your life or are you letting your life craft you without even realizing it?!?!

Often times, people can start with this society manufactured idea of what a dream life should look like, one that you are often taught from childhood. I like to think of this as the default mode that people often have a hard time veering away from at first, but think BIGGER. What if you were here to create so much more in your life than just the cookie cutter idea of what reality should look like?!?!? 

What would it be like if YOU fully participated
in the process of consciously CREATING your life?

What would it look like if you looked at your life like the biggest piece of ART you have ever created?!?! Perhaps you can create this BIG vision and idea in your mind’s eye of what you want your life to look like but aren’t really sure how to execute such a huge shift. What would it be like if you took the time to refine the details to create your biggest and best masterpiece yet?!?! 

With The Art of YOU signature system, you will learn techniques for manifestation, goal setting, visualizations, and more. There are a variety of practices for you to experience activations in your unique super powers, tools to help you master manifestation, and guidance in your creative goal process. By gaining a more in-depth understanding of how you are creating your current reality, you will begin to learn how to integrate and incorporate more abundance, clarity, and direction into your life goals.

Content & Features

What YOU Get!

Lifetime Access to

Self-Paced Course

This program includes full lifetime access to an 8 module online course. Included in each module are videos with topic content as well as practical exercises to put your new skills into use for each section.

Get Questions Answered via

Personal Support

Access to a private chat stream with Courtney YOUphoriafy to ask any questions that come up as they arise so you are never left without guidance. 

Full Access to

Video Library

The Art of YOU program includes a full library of videos that includes meditations, yoga, EFT, belief repatterning and more to support you on your journey.

1:1 Deep Dive with

Mastermind Sessions

Enrolling in the Mastermind program The Art of YOU includes 4 x bi-weekly one hour personalized coaching sessions to get direct support on your individual goals.

Structure & Outline

Module 1: Clearing the Field for the Courage to Create

Take a moment to reflect on how you have gotten to the place in life that you are currently in. Together we will get super clear on beliefs or ideas that may be currently holding you back from bravely creating the life you truly want to live

Module 2: Activating Your Own Unique Personal Power

Open up to the natural power of who YOU are! Acknowledge the natural gifts and talents you have so that you can use them to activate the superpowers within, creating a life that is true and authentic to YOU!

Module 3: Integrating Who YOU Are

Use what we have learned so far in the first two modules to find ways of integration into our daily life and goal strategies. Knowing where our strengths are and what works best for us is key for success throughout the program!

Module 4: Embodying the Visionary Artist of YOU

Let’s open up our mind to the amazingness of what YOU are truly capable of. Take your authentic blueprint and dream up a big way of how you are going to express who YOU are in the world so we can begin crafting it into reality!

Module 5: Aligning to the Creator Within YOU

Start with getting fully aligned between both the head and the heart so that you can create from a place that is in complete coherence. You will learn how to balance the being with the doing to bring a magnetic pull towards your big visions!

Module 6: Integrating to Stay in Alignment

Learn and integrate tools that will help you to transmute energy when you start to feel stuck or unsure where to go next. These techniques will be a tool on your journey when you need a little guidance or clarity in direction.

Module 7: Crafting Life with Divine Guidance

Begin routing a clear path to take towards your goals to bring them into your current reality. You will set up ways to maintain a balance between both the masculine and feminine energies as you dance with the divine in crafting your human experience.

Module 7: Refining the Design Process to Mastery with Magic Reloads

You have this ability to master and learn anything you want to in this world, especially in the digital era we live in! The key here is to have a design process that you go through each time you are creating something new in your life and continue to master and refine.


(Frequently Asked Questions)

In this program, each week’s module will have an area of focus during your journey of which you will receive a video with content and exercises to try out. You will also get access to a video archive with meditations, movement practices, EFT, belief repatterning and more. As well as 4x one hour calls with me (happening bi-weekly) to focus on your individual goals with an ongoing private chat stream to answer questions as they arise.

This program is created for all levels of creators and artists (which is everyone)! Whether you are a beginner just getting started or a seasoned human being creator, this course will help you refine the process to create the Art of YOU!

The content was created in a way that is broken down into eight modules. You can do one module per week, although you are welcome to take longer or even revisit modules and practices as needed.

Give yourself the space and time to refine the biggest masterpiece of your life YOU!

In The Art of YOU signature system, Courtney Youphoriafy teaches you simple tools to consciously manifest and create more of what you want in your life balancing both the masculine and feminine qualities of being and doing. At the end of the course you will have gained techniques to help you deepen your:

Are you interested in joining The Art of YOU to start
consciously crafting your life but still have a few questions?
No worries! Simply book a call with me today.